Spirit of Peace Indian Museum

Dakota Cultural & Educational Center

Dakota Owned & Operated

The next pages show some of the items that are on display in the Museum

Next some of the items in the Museum:

This painting was done as a memorial to Jeffrey Derby (Little Feather). It hangs in the museum.
A contemporary dress and a jingle dress stand side by side, old and new, these styles can be seen at powwows.
This skull is where we keep our sage, tobacco and offerings that are left here by our visitors.
The jingle dress has 365 jingles, originally tobacco tin lids, to represent every day of the year. There is also a healing story that goes with it
Charlie the Coyote is our mascot in the Center, he enjoys welcoming our visitors.

These postcards are of the Pipestone Indian School and date back to the early 1900's

A Stereoscope and a number of stereoptican photos of early 1900's subjects including Native Americans from that time are on loan to the museum.

Drawings and photographs of various Tribal Chiefs are on this wall, included are Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Osceola and Crazy Horse.
This breastplate is made of bone, buffalo horn, trade beads and leather. The shell is abalone.

This fan was donated to the museum by Andrea Frank. It is very old and the feathers are not very stable. Beadwork is on both sides of the handle that is made from leather. It is very delicate and so lives in a case.

Thanks Andrea.

This is a wall of various maps, showing the areas where the different tribes can be located.
Did you know that Chuck discovered a petroglyph? He did in 1992 at the Monument. Actually there are a whole set of them all together and they are now called the Derby Petroglyph.
These photographs are of 4 people who were affected by the 1862 Conflict between the Dakota and the Government. Little Crow (top left) was the Chief in charge, Big Eagle (top right) was one of the band subchiefs. The two women were photographed at Fort Snelling where they were held captive until they were moved to Crow Creek in the spring of 1863
This photograph is of Chuck, his brother the late Jeff Derby (Little Feather) and their father the late Harvey Derby. This was taken when they were participating in the Hiawatha pageant in the 1950's. Chuck played the part of little Hiawatha a number of times.
This is a basket that was used in the movie 'Dragonfly' starring Kevin Costner. It was used in one of the scenes in the Indian viallage. It is beautifully made. A certificate of authenticity is on the wall alongside of it. (below.)
This table holds various musical instruments, flutes, drums and rattles.
These are photographs of a few of the petroglyphs that can be seen at the Pipestone National Monument. They are fascinating to see.



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PAGES OF ITEMS IN THE MUSEUM: Photographs and other historic items.


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Site constructed and designed by Pipestone Spirit Designs
Photographs copyrighted by Gloria Hazell 2003 Unless shown differently